Grow Your Business By Marketing High-Quality Offshoring Services
Recurring monthly subscription-based revenue stream
Unlimited earnings potential
Minimal business overheads
Control of your own independent marketing operation
Fully managed offshoring operation including personnel and dedicated office resources
Comprehensive support program with extensive partner portal
Vital element in a huge outsourcing marketplace - $38bn projected for 2022 in Australia alone
Secure your partner status for just $25,000 - only a very limited number of partnerships are available
Do you have a substantial contact base in Australia? Do you have the skills to interact with other business professionals? Do you have the ability to promote a high-quality service?
If the answers are YES, then this opportunity has outstanding potential for you.
Contact Richard Carter for further information
Email: richardc@business-connections.com.au Phone: 0419 241 099

Brainsource provides a gateway to thousands of highly qualified staff who can deliver outstanding performance and agility for a wide variety of organisations.
Whilst offshoring has traditionally been focused on repetitive, highly-proceduralised and relatively low-value tasks; the last decade has seen the industry pivot significantly to address regional skills gaps and extend both capacity and capability of client firms. Moving well beyond traditional transaction processing and customer service functions, Brainsource now provides roles such as academic staff, engineering personnel and research support specialists. These roles are certainly more complex to offshore, however also offer the benefit of being able to deploy specialist expertise in a 24×7 environment at a far lower cost base than the domestic market, and often with exposure to larger, international environments. The result is both increased capacity to ‘do more’, along with extended capability to ‘do better’.