Make Your LinkedIn Profile A Major Business Asset
Don't be let down by your LinkedIn profile. It's certain that your profile will be visited by prospects, clients, business partners, potential employers, maybe even your friends. Is it creating the right image? Does it do you justice? Over 3 Billion searches are being carried out every month on LinkedIn.
We've been providing superlative LinkedIn profiles for Australian business people for over 7 years. We have unmatched combination of LinkedIn expertise and business experience.

Our LinkedIn Profile Package will:
Provide you with a polished profile using the latest LinkedIn features.
Embed Pictures, videos, webpages, documents etc. within your profile.
Optimise your profile to rank highly with people searching for your speciality.
Implement a strategy for expanding your LinkedIn network.
Adjust the settings to minimise email yet alert you to important items.
Establish memberships in the most appropriate LinkedIn groups.
Enhance the search (SEO) benefits for your business website.
The areas covered will include: Headline; Contact Information; Summary; Experience; Skills & Experience; Group Membership.
A highly personalised LinkedIn profile is just $ 240.
Option: a one-to-one LinkedIn coaching session for just $180.
Endorsements for Richard Carter and Business Connection Resources
Richard is passionate about helping people embrace social media in a way that best suits their specific business
Nicola Deakin Principal at HMP
Richard has been a great help with my social media as well as a mentor and business coach. I cannot recommend Richard more highly
Stephen Jones Principal Lyneside Financial Services
Richard has a superb sense for what works on Linkedin, to the extent that my profile now regularly appears on page one of Google
David Wurth Human Resources Consultant
The amount and quality of effort Richard put into this activity was beyond my expectations, and so where the results
Philip Radburn Managing Principal and Owner at BusinesSPM Pty Limited
See over 1,000 more endorsements for Richard's work at:
Client Profiles as rated by LinkedIn

Example of improvement in LinkedIn search results

Existing Clients
Check out these LinkedIn profiles from a small selection of our existing clients:
http://au.linkedin.com/in/businessconnections (Top 1% Profile)
Make sure you're logged-in to LinkedIn to see the full profile view.

Above pricing is inclusive of GST